An Opportunity for Self Reflection


As the Coronavirus and the fear associated with it makes its mark on our lives, I wanted to list some of the positive things that we can do as Vedic Meditators.

There is no doubt that all our lives have gone through and are going through change as a result of the virus but as Meditators we have the ability to adapt much more gracefully to these changes.

Some positive things we can do:

  • Sensibly follow all the advice about personal hygiene and safe physical distance that is being provided by the medical community so as to minimise the risk of contracting the virus.

  • Keep our immunity strong by making our twice daily meditation program not negotiable. If you have learnt how to round (Vedic Yoga Asanas + Pranayama) then add these before meditation once or twice a day. One of the most important things we can do to make our immunity strong is to reduce stress. Our meditation technique is a supreme tool for eliminating stress from the physiology.

  • Make a choice not to entertain negative thoughts and fear. When we meditate, we access the deep inner field of Bliss. This yields a state of true and lasting happiness even when there is fear in the collective consciousness. This inner field of Bliss is available to us when we are in activity and we can make the choice to favour it rather than ruminating in negative thoughts.

  • Put our attention on the positive and see this time as an opportunity for inner reflection, study (read + listen) and expansion. Meditating twice a day will stabilise Being in your awareness. Being is our inner Self. Stabilising Being in our awareness naturally makes us calm.

Please remember that the vast majority of people fully recover from the virus. And the instruction from our meditation tradition is: If you are ill in bed, you should meditate as much as is comfortable. That means, for as long as you feel to each time with no time restrictions and for any number of times per day.

Please feel welcome to be in contact with me if I can assist you in any way.

With love,