What more can I do for the world?


“What more can I do for the world?” is the spontaneous implicit question of the capable person. 

Every meditator develops greater capability day by day, and wants naturally to know what more can be done to bring;
greater peace to a world that is suffering, 
greater wisdom to the lives of those surrounding oneself, 
more happiness to one’s family and loved ones. 

It turns out that the best thing we can do for anyone else is simply to be in the highest possible state of consciousness, ourselves, at all times. For that, regular twice-daily meditation is a must. Its cumulative effect is well-documented and self-evident. 

Support of Nature in our actions is evidence of one’s relevance to evolution. Stressed and needy behaviour is not relevant to a stressed and needy world. Capability and relevance, and good health and longevity all are infinitely correlated. Higher consciousness is their basis. 

Suffering results from thoughts and actions that fail to be relevant to evolution; socially relevant, ecologically relevant -relevant to our fellow humans’ evolutionary needs. 

Every meditator contributes most to the collective by settling down into that simplest form of awareness twice daily and thereby fine-tuning oneself to live spontaneously in accordance with the evolutionary need of the time. And through contact with all those who surround us, we are able to make a positive contribution to the world.

With love,